Thursday, August 23, 2007

School and Rain

The exciting news in our house is that we now have access to internet here at home. That means that now I can remain connected and not have to go all over town to get to a connection :) Are you appreciating your internet connection today? I sure am.
The boys started school last week and already had one day called off because of the rain. When I went to school, we looked forward to "snow days." Those were the days that you woke up and found that beautiful white powder dusting the trees, grass and driveway. Here, we have "rain days." That is when you look out your window and think you've suddenly gone swimming and are wondering where your goggles are. Really, there are some very impressive rivers that quickly come up out nowhere and just as quickly leave.

Just yesterday, Luke was taking the "activity van" home from school, after an activity, and one of those tremendous downpours happened. I knew they were going to let him off at the gate of the subdivision, so I headed there an hour early to pick him up because the rain was coming down so hard and fast that I was concerned I might get stuck on this side of the "river." As it was, I drove through 12" of water in one particular intersection, knowing that I had to get to my boy. It was pretty funny...the mama bear came out in me.

Here is a picture of our driveway after one such river rose...

Anyway, the boys are still settling into school and getting used to the routine here. The haven't complained too much about wearing uniforms, except that the shirts are hot. They sure do look handsome in their school duds.

We had "back to school afternoon" last week and were able to meet most of their teachers. Having one child in high school, middle school, and elementary, it was a little tricky being in three different places all at the same time. However, we did divide and mostly conquered :)


Unknown said...

Of course, you chose blogspot. :) I have several blogs, and the one I have here hasn't been used in forever. Still, I"m glad you have a blog because it makes keeping up easier. Here's my blog address: I'm not sure if you have to join to read or not. Anyway, I think the boys look SO handsome in their new duds! The rain sounds scary/amazing. I suppose once you get used to it it's like anything else and just seems normal. We miss you. Trevor said he wished he could ride to school with John now that he was a big kid like him. :) Love you guys! Diana

White Diana said...

Yikes!! Gotta love the fact that y'all can swim! But, don't drink THAT water... ewww The boys DO look hansom, Mama Bear! If I were there I'd have to tell them that in front of many of their friends, just to embarrass them... then I'd ask for forgiveness :) I love you guys! and miss you!

Karla said...

This is my first blogging experience! I liked the information and the pictures. The boys look great in their uniforms- better than the black and white Noelle had to wear last year! High school is going to be an interesting experience! Love you and miss you (I hope you got the e-mail I sent you) Karla

Unknown said...

Okay, I've tried changing my display name...did it work? Hey, if you decide to read my blog (and don't signup and/or comment) send me a quick email. K? Love ya!