Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Language Study

We have now had our first two language class. Our teacher has been teaching for 24 years and has had many, many students. There are not only new sounds and tones we have to learn to use, but there are also new parts of speech that we are not familiar with. It is a hoot listening to us trying to make the new sounds and form our mouths and lips in new ways. We spend quite a lot of time so far laughing. It is a really pleasant experience and I am very eager to learn the language. Most people have a grasp of English, but it's not their heart language. Please be praying with us that we can eagerly and quickly get a grasp on the language. We have to work extra hard on it because we are not immersed in the language...we can get by with English. However, none of us want to just get by. Our eldest son is also studying it in school, so we continually challenge one another to learn and study. It is fun.

1 comment:

White Diana said...

can't believe I didn't comment on this... so I must now: Good Job learnin' dat new talk talk-a-lot, i mean Tagalog.