Monday, March 31, 2008


March has been a great month! I always love March at home. Everything is turning green. The flowers are waking up. The days are warming up. March here is proving to be very similar, just in a slightly different perspective :) The flowers are getting more plentiful. The birds seem to be waking up. And yes, the days are indeed getting warmer. Each day is a little warmer than the one before. The good side of this is that no matter how grumpy I might be feeling inside due to the "warmer" weather, my face is ALWAYS sparkling :)
We had a real fun evening of bonding with our team from APRC. We went out bowling and then shared a meal together. It is so great to be together in a celebratory occasion. It is too easy to just "work" together and not really share life. We are striving to share life with our team, and we are honored and privileged to do so with them. They are a gift to us!
We had the wonderful opportunity this month to have family come visit us. Eric's parents and one niece and one nephew came and spent 10 wonderful days with us.
We initiated them into life in Manila. We didn't make it a sightseeing visit, or a "vacation." They wanted to experience life like we experience it day in and day out. So, that's what we did. It was really fun showing them our places of work, the kids school, the places we drive to for groceries, our church, and our neighborhood. It was just a wonderful time. Eric and his dad worked on some projects around the house that was begging for some attention. Eric's Dad, Glenn, made our house his focus for his mini Work and Witness project. It was awesome to have his help. Trying to get the appropriate parts and pieces to fix the leaky sink fixtures was a cultural experience in and of itself. It actually took longer finding the parts than it did to fix the leak. In the end they heated up a pipe to make the final connection. It worked and still is. NO MORE LEAK!

We also took them to a youth function for a new church plant. They got to be with the young people, and then we took them to the home that some of the church planters are living in. We were able to have a time of prayer there in their home, where they are currently having a Sunday night service. What a blessing it was to be with them and for the family to meet some of the people they have been praying for.

We also experienced "Alay Lakad", which means "walk offering", together for the first time with them. Wow! What an event that was. If you didn't read my last post, I directed you to a co-workers site to read his blog and see his pictures...I can't compete :) Here is the link

It was great to have Eric's family here. We had a wonderful time of reunion with them, and our kids had so much fun with their cousins. What a fabulous blessing they all are to us. Of course, it was difficult when we had to say "goodbye."

Our sweet little Mari turned three on the 18th. It is really an amazing thing looking at her and realizing that we have had her that long! In some ways, it has been a long three years, but in other ways, it seems like just yesterday when I felt that initial labor pang. She has really bloomed in the last 9 months since we have been here. She is such a little longer a baby. We are truly blessed to have her as part of our family. She is a blessing to everyone she meets :) Unless they ask to hold her and she says "NO!"

Mari got a special gift for her birthday from her dear Aunt Elaina and Uncle Ric. Mari got a cute little puppy named Casanova. He is the perfect dog for her. He is just the right size for her to walk, and she is just the perfect size for him to walk. It is really cute the way she walks him around the house and talks to him.

We were able to attend the Seminary Graduation. There were only 17 graduates this year out of 100 students. Our General Superintendent Dr. Jesse Middendorf addressed the graduates and it was a wonderful challenge to do what God calls you to, with passion. It was powerful not only to the graduates, but to the rest of us in attendance.

God is good to us! We are blessed to be serving here. Thank you for partnering with us! We cherish your involvement! May God bless you today!

If you don't go to the actual blog site and you want to see more pictures, you can click on this link and you will see our photo albums!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Alay Lakad

We have had the priveledge of observing the Maunday Thursday tradition here in Manila. I am going to point you to one of our co-workers site to read his write-up about it. Click here to go to his site

I hope you'll go see these pictures and the story behind it :)