Sunday, July 20, 2008


The room was 16 feet by 25 feet. The air was only moving due to the fans gentle hum. The room was a patio area in-between two homes. The chairs were set up with a dividing aisle down the middle, three chairs on each side, and about 15 rows. The podium stood, accompanied by a table with the elements for communion. Delicately hung behind was a simple curtain and a banner stating Cainta Church of the Nazarene Anniversary Celebration.

The house could be found after making several jig's and jag's through the brightly colored neighborhood and fortunately for us the neighborhood guards knew the way and were happy to escort us (on their bicycles, and armed with their usual artillery).

The church gradually filled up with laughter and smiles and kisses. Very few seats remained empty, and several people chose to stand in the back. Occasionally the loud roar of a motorcycle would join in our worship, as they passed by on the street.

The music started with a guitar and tambourine, and then was joined by the humble voices of the people. As we stood singing, the words to the song invited a precious spirit that made me unaware of my own comfort level. I was able to forget about the chair in front of me pushing against the front of my thigh. I was able to forget about the chair behind me pushing on the back of my calve. My breathing was calm and peaceful, rather than the anxious pull of the heavily humidified air. My body was perspiring and sending droplets of water down the back of my legs, back, stomach and face at a rapid pace. And yet, God was there! He was speaking directly to me, reminding me that no matter the circumstance or comfort level I live in, He will ALWAYS be God. He is LORD! He refocussed my vision, turning my uncomfortable moment into a beautiful time with Him.

Here are the words to the song "Here I Am" written by Reuben Morgan...

In to Your hands I commit again
All I am For You Lord
You hold my world in the palm of Your Hands
And I am Yours, Forever

Jesus I believe in You
Jesus I belong to You
You're the reason that I live
You're the reason that I sing
With all I am
I'll walk with You
Wherever You go
Through tears and Joys
I'll trust in You
And I will live in all of Your ways
Your promises, Forever

Here is a link to hear it sung by Hillsong on youtube...

The church celebrated their 19 anniversary and it was an honor to be part of it. We feel somewhat attached to this church, simply because the meeting place of this particular church used to be in our back yard.

Three hours later, after worshiping together and feasting together, we piled in our car and turned the air-con on high :)

I pray that you are met by Our Savior today, in whatever circumstance you are in...comfortable or uncomfortable! Our God is capable of breaking through...I LOVE it!!!

1 comment:

White Diana said...

Thank you for reminding me of the reason that I live: Jesus! What a beautiful post, I felt like I was right there with you worshiping Him and forgetting all of my "problems." A little taste of Heaven, sister. Thanks