Wednesday, December 1, 2010


My helper, Celia, has been having a small bible study in her home for several months now. One of our seminary graduates, Judy, has actually been leading it. There are about six of them that meet regularly. A couple months ago, Judy told me that Celia and the other women in the bible study all prayed to receive Jesus as their savior. All of these ladies are great Catholic women, but didn't know that Jesus was their High Priest and that they could go directly to God through Him. It was a great day!

Then last week, Celia came to me with a heavy heart. One of the ladies in the bible study with her, named Tata, has been without work for quite some time now, and times are really hard for Tata. Celia asked if it would be OK to give one of her work days to Tata, who has worked in many peoples homes. I was fine with that. Mostly, though, I was really touched by Celia being willing to give up one day of work for her friend to have one day. Celia makes about $7/day, and she is a little on the high end for her line of work.

We made a plan for Tata to come and help Celia on Wednesdays. Wednesday came and Tata didn't show up. We weren't sure what happened, so Celia went out to find out what happened. She was excited when she came back. As soon as Celia had offered to Tata the extra day, someone had contacted Tata for a part time job...not just one day a week, but 4 days!

God provided for Tata, but most importantly, for Celia, God showed her that sometimes when we surrender and do what he asks of us, we get it back in return. Not only did Celia get the peace of offering the day to Tata, but she also got the financial assurance that God is still looking out for her finances.

Trust God with your finances! :)

1 comment:

White Diana said...

We serve the God who provides!!! So awesome