Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Turn to Page "x"

I remember reading a certain type of book as a kid, and now my kids read these same books. I don't know what they are called, but it sets the stage of the story for you, and then puts you in a place where you have to make a decision. Then, you turn to page "x" for decision "a" or turn to page "y" for decision "b." I always thought it was cool to be able to know either way, what would happen. There have been many times in my life when I wished I could know which page to turn to so I could read the consequences of my choices.

A lot of times God asks me to do something and I find myself discussing with him what my options are. I turn to the Bible, hoping to find "turn to page 'x'." God simply waits for me to come around and make a decision. I always know which way I am supposed to go, but I don't always go or do the things I am supposed to do.

Then sometimes I am reminded of the grave consequences of my choosing to either obey or to disobey. This morning, I received this email...

" I wanted to let you know of the tragic death of 6-year-old Nicole who lives near the front of our seminary. Nicole is one of our kids who has regularly been attending our Sunday School/Children’s worship on the seminary campus. Her two brothers also regularly attend. Nicole was hit by a motorcyclist and most likely died instantly. Today her body was brought to her home where it rests in a casket. Nicole loved to help in our Sunday School. Lot Hallig said that yesterday at church she did not want to leave but instead she stayed to help clean up. The kids have been learning about Moses. Lot felt led to share about Jesus and ask the kids if they would like to ask Jesus into their hearts. Nicole was one of the kids that morning who chose to ask Jesus into her heart. That afternoon at 4pm, about 12 feet from our Seminary entrance, Nicole went home to be with Jesus. Please pray with us for Nicole’s 2 brothers, mother, family, and many friends. "

Yesterday I wrote to you about praying for the workers for the harvest. This is what I am talking about. We need to be praying for each other to be diligent, hard working, eager listening, and best of all, eager to obey and do what God asks of us. Praise God for his workers!!!

Listen...He is there! Praise God!


Unknown said...

Those books are called "choose your own adventure" books. I loved them too.

I'm so sorry for the loss of such a young child. PRAISE THE LORD she was saved and for the hard work of those there. You and all those you work with are in our prayers. Love you so much!

White Diana said...

Oh, wow! His timing is incredible. Easy for me to say miles and miles away. If I were the mother, I would need a big dose of trusting-in-His-timing to get through this time. If I were the motorcycle driver, I would need a big dose of grace and forgiveness to get through this time. Hmm, guess I know some things I need to pray for...