Tuesday, April 28, 2009


It is always funny to me the mistakes we can make with our words. Unfortunately, sometimes they can get you into trouble, but other times it's just funny.

I noticed in my last post I wrote "We also went and visited a home for malnourished our unwanted babies." Two things, first, our babies (the four that aren't really babies anymore) are quite well nourished, and second, no matter how ornery they might get, they are always wanted :) Forgive me for my editing oversight. It was supposed to be "or."

So, here is another funny word mistake, only it involves two languages. Eric was riding home in a tricycle today (public transportation) and was chatting with the driver. Eric tried to ask the driver if he worked six or seven days per week. He tried first in Tagalog, then switched to a combination of Tagalog and English. The driver seemed to be thinking for a few minutes and then replied to Eric, "fried chicken, home fried!" Hmm...good thing we are still getting Tagalog lessons :) Eric simply went with it and told the driver, in Tagalog, that his (Eric's) grandmother made the best fried chicken. Nice recovery Eric!!! Maybe next time he will try again to ask how many days per week the driver works.

Andy and his classmates performed "Ruddigore," by Gilbert and Sullivan, this past weekend. It was a wonderful play, and they all did so well! We were proud of the kids. The cast was entirely made up of the High School students, and there was even a full orchestra, comprised of students and faculty. Here is a picture of Andy in his picture frame. He stood here for most of Act II.

We are working on trying to schedule our deputation services during our home assignment, January 1, 2010 through April 30, 2010. If you want to schedule a service, please contact us. We will keep our service schedule posted on our blog.

We love you all!

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